Saturday, 22 November 2008

The Big Nit and The Big Knit

The Big Nit is me. I managed to get myself all depressed at the start of the week. Partly because of what I said in my last blog (feeling I can never make a living doing what I want creatively), but largely because of being a bit stupid and not doing what's good for me. I get a mild version of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and I hadn't been getting out in the daylight enough. Nor taking enough exercise, nor eating healthily, nor doing enough creative things to keep me happy. D'oh!

So on Monday, I felt I could have stayed in bed all day. However, I did get up, I did go for a walk in daylight, and I did feel all the better for it. And I did eat/drink some healthy foods, kickstarted by having to have one of these Innocent smoothies from Sainers.
For the last few years, Innocent smoothies have got people to knit little hats for their smoothie bottles in order to raise money for old people's welfare. It's called the Big Knit, and is such a fun idea. I was SO pleased to find a little dolly in there. I had to have it. Mr Kitsch chose a blue and white one, for his friend who's a Bristol Rovers (Football Club) fan. (Bor-ing!!)

Sadly, my little dolly only has one eye. I don't think I'll fix it though. I'll just accept her slight disability. I hope the person who knitted her knows she's gone to a good home.

You can check out more photos of these little hats at the Big Knit Flickr group too.

So, knitting, dollies and smoothies - I'm not depressed now!

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