Monday, 2 February 2009

Two achievements!

First of all, I FINALLY managed to enter a piece in the UK Etsy challenge. Each month a theme is set, and UK Etsy people create a piece, post a photo on Flickr, and everyone can vote on their favourite. For the past five months, I have been kicking myself, as each deadline comes and I either have no inspiration, no time or no energy to create something. However, the subject for January was 'Japan', and I created these kokeshi doll earrings, something I've been meaning to make for a while. (And even better, two people have voted for my piece, which I think is pretty good for a first attempt. If you'd like to see the entries, you can look here. )

Second achievement is that I have been given my first blog award from BusyLizzie at the Washerwoman. Thank you Lizzie!

Apparently....“The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in proximity in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be new friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandisement. Our hope is that when ribbons of these awards are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give your kind attention to these writers.” So now you know.

I'm think I'm meant to pass it on to other bloggers, but my bad back means I cannot spend another minute at the computer right now, so I'll save that for another day. Apologies too for not being able to visit and comment on blogs at the moment.


  1. Cute earrings! They are so sweet, so kitsch! :)

    Damn I missed the giveaway :(


    You have such a cute blog!

  2. Lovely earrings! Glad you have managed to get the award on your blog, you deserve it!
    Hope the back recovers soon... take care, Lizzie x

  3. Well done on the award, very well deserved.
    I hope you back gets better soon.

  4. They definitely look inspired to me Elaine.... lovely!
    Good luck with your entry and well done on your lovely award from Lizzie x

  5. Those earrings are gorgeous, well done you. x
