Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Nearly There

My new Etsy shop for my handmade items is starting to take shape. There are about a dozen items so far, but I hope to keep listing more in the next few days. I think the term for what I've done so far is 'Repurposed Vintage', as I've taken old vintage china eggcups and things and made them into pincushions, and also made badges from old children's illustrations.

Regular readers will remember my quandary about shop names last year. At the time I was trying to decide between 'Hey Tiger!' and 'Nearly Teatime'. I put it to a vote (how democratic), and got a small majority in favour of 'Hey Tiger!'. But I still ummmed and ahhed.

At last, I decided to go with 'Hey Tiger!', because I felt it was fresher. I even started to create an Etsy shop, but somehow, I wasn't happy... I started to rethink. Then I discovered several other shops and blogs with similar, tigery names, and I lost confidence completely. Oh dear.
So now I have gone back to 'Nearly Teatime'. I keep having doubts about that too, but I decided I should just do it, or I'll never get this shop open! I've considered several other names in the meantime, but nothing is quite right.

I hope you like the shop. Or just go window shopping - Etsy is a great place to look for gifts generally, so don't be put off by dealing in dollars - it's very easy, as Paypal sorts it all for you anyway. (However for Etsy-phobics, I intend to set up a shop in UK sterling soon too.)


  1. best of luck with the shop elaine and nearly teatime is a great name,....nearly teatime as a moment is just about the best time of day full of excitement and anticipation , a shop name to echo that is a great choice...

  2. Yay! "Nearly Teatime" was the one I liked & I think it's great!

    Your shop is looking fab - the egg cup pincushions are really sweet.


  3. Anything with a hint of cake is great!

  4. Hi there! I am your newest follower. I am going to take a loot at your etsy shop after this.

  5. wonderful! loving that duck! t.x
