Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Creative Wednesday - Crazy Dolls

As you've seen rather a lot of my crazy dolls recently, I thought I'd show you someone else's crazy dolls. These pictures are from a splendid book I bought a few weeks ago, called 'How to Make Soft Toys and Dolls'. It was published in 1977, as you can probably guess from these pictures.

I love the happy gals in the picture above, and the worried look of this unlikely trio of pets. A cat, a rabbit and ... a beaver? That mealtime is not going to end well, I'd say.
These big cushions based on children's drawings are delightful.
This gingerbread man might want to consider cosmetic dentistry...
OK, this one is a bit weird - a fried egg and vegetable mobile....
But not as weird as the naked beardy man in the bath.....


  1. HA! How bizarre are the last two toys!? What is the book called? Looks quite inspiring..
    Tamzin X

  2. I'm not all together this morning and have just spotted the title of the book in your post! Will have to look out for it! Some of them have a Donna Wilson feel to them..
    Tamzin X

  3. Love the last one, but not sure why you would want to replicate something like it!

  4. Note to self: Must make myself a naked beardy man in a bath! :O)))))

    Have just caught up with your past couple of posts! How exciting was your exhibition?!!! Well done both of you and especially the Space Cadet re his painting getting sold!
