Sunday, 27 March 2011

Postcard Swap

I've just done a quick postcard swap with Jane of Things to Make and Do. I'm a complete novice at art swaps. I like the idea, but there's always the worry that a recipient might not 'get' my weird creations. Or that I will make something quick, and they will make some wonderfully elaborate artwork and feel cheated. But when I suggested a swap with Jane, I was pretty confident that we would be be on the same wavelength, as we seem to share so many tastes. She has already posted about it, so you may have seen these images already.

We sent each other a commercial postcard to act as starting point. I sent Jane this card 
She was inspired to think about all the must-have items for the modern bride, and sent me this great double-sided collaged card.

A close look at the household paraphenalia reveals a slightly twisted view of what a bride might find handy! (And not just the 'Refrigerator Polish'.) Also, I'm guessing the 'Bride to Be' badge is one of Jane's many lucky pavement finds. Such great vintage images - I love it, of course!

Her starting point for me was a postcard of the swimming pool at Butlins. I have to say, I now think all pools should have fake tropical greenery suspended above them - by law!
I knew had some vintage illustrations from a swimming instruction manual in my big box of clippings, and I wanted to combine it with some bold graphics. I was thinking of vintage packaging to start with, but as I played with the typography my drawn font became a bit 1970s. And now that I say that, I'm thinking of those public information films with Rolf Harris in a swimming pool. Damn! I could have drawn Rolf....
Many thanks to Jane for an inspiring, fun swap.


  1. This was a brilliant postcard exchange! Don't know if you saw that I left a comment on Jane's blog, but I have actually swam in that pool at Filey, complete with the plastic foliage! Happy days................

  2. Fantastic idea, these creative projects really flex the artistic muscles. Keep an eye out for Postmans Knock a postcard project I will be invovled with from April 1st. Like you I worry that participants will not get the good deal from me that I will get from them...we are so hard on ourselves!! X

  3. Wow! Brilliant Cards! I really love the bridal heads and the bridal needs cards - in fact I know where my first marriage wrong now!

  4. Don't know if there's a special word for a postcard exchanger (I'm not being rude here...) but a postcard collector is called a Deltiologist....and I know this because I used to be one, many moons ago when I was still at school - junior school to boo! I have three or four albums full of them somewhere. There's vintage for you !!! x x

  5. ooopps - not reading back properly before posting. Should say "to boot", not "to boo"...........

  6. Thanks all!
    Cathy - I did see your comment, and I'm very impressed with your Butlins experience!
    Sue - I will be watching with interest!
    Annie - You're scaring me!
    Christine - I collect very odd postcards! Thanks for the terminology!

  7. That considerably perked up my rather dreary day - thank you!
