Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Collections - Brooches and Bunnies

I have been itching to join in the sharing of collections that Lesley started and Jane has been continuing so brilliantly, but wasn't really up to taking photos this last week. However, a slight improvement in my back has allowed me to put a few things together today.

The main problem was where to start. Even if you say you need six of anything to make a collection, then I have a huge number of collections. I can even sub-divide. So my collection of china animal ornaments, say, can be broken down into many collections - rabbits, deer, cats, elephants, birds, dogs, and so on. Or my collection of rabbits could be broken down into china ones, wooden ones, plastic ones. And this is without actually looking very far. These are things I don't even consciously 'collect'! 

So I'm sharing two small collections today. Brooches and pins with people on, above, and the china rabbits, below. (I actually have more china rabbits than this...I don't know why.)


  1. I have a ridiculous number of collections and some of them are hard to photograph (ie vintage dresses, my piles of jewelry).

    Love your little wee bunnies and I collect whimsical brooches too. Can't wait to see more of your collections!

  2. I just love both of these groups. Keep posting pictures of collections -- the more subdivided and whimsically defined the better! Makes me very happy.

  3. What lovely brooches, i love a brooch. ans i know what you mean about collections..x

  4. Loving these brooches..... so kitsch they hurt!

  5. Love your little brooch collection! Where did you get the little gal in white lace on the lower right? She reminds me very much of little dollies made in Bahia, Brazil.

  6. I love those pins. Goodness, I love those pins!
