Well, the good thing is that I've set up another Etsy shop at www.kitschandcurious.etsy.com. The idea of this is to sell off some of my collection that I don't have room for, or things I've acquired as part of job lots, etc. I'm quite pleased with it so far, and it seems to be getting lots of views and has been added to people's favourites. Nobody's bought anything so far, though.

Unfortunately, it seems this was a naughty buyer. She offered to send a money order, and although I wasn't really sure how this would work between the US and UK, I was prepared to find out how we could make it work. But then she said her boyfriend lives in Scotland and he was going to send me a cheque. Great, I thought - that makes it simpler. After a few days she said that her "Scottish lover" would be sending payment in the next fortnight. This rang alarm bells - who on earth refers to their "lover" in an email about etsy payments? I asked if there was a reason why he couldn't send payment sooner. She replied to say that he'd had a fire in his house and didn't want to use his credit card in an internet cafe. Credit card? I thought he was sending me a cheque?
By this time quite a few pieces of negative feedback had appeared on Etsy. She's failed to pay a few times. I gave her a fortnight, and I've heard nothing since. Grrr! How frustrating. But mainly VERY disappointing that I still haven't sold anything on Etsy. (Sigh!)
Maybe my things are just too weird...