Happy New Year to you all!
I am now suffering with the same cold that Mr Kitsch had last week. (If he had man-flu, can I have 'lady-flu'?) Funnily enough I had flu this time last year, and had to welcome in the New Year chimes with nothing more than a glass of Lemsip. I feel a bit better today, so I'm hoping I can have a jollier time tonight. Maybe a glass of Ribena!
Whatever I have in my glass, I can tell you that I shall be wishing for a good new year with all my heart. 2008 has not been the happiest year. My sister had to have two operations, my mum also had an operation when she broke her hip, and has been in poor health, and I've had a few problems too. And it's not just me - other friends have suffered illness, depression, financial difficulties and marriage break-up. It's been extraordinary that there's been so much bad news all round.
So although it's just a date on the calendar, I want to use the New Year as a chance to look forward to more positive times.
I'm really, really hoping for a Happy New Year! And I hope it's good for everyone!