Actually, that should read "May Fair", rather than Mayfair. It's not as posh, but much more fun! On the May Day Bank Holiday, there is always a fair on Redland Green in Bristol. It's like a village fete in the middle of the city, and is one of my favourite events of the year. This year it was a bit cold and damp, but I managed to pick up lots of bargains, and, more importantly, lots of home-made cakes! Here are some more of my goodies -

I'm pleased with these shelves - they'll hold a lot of little knick-knacks. The little bunny mug is worth a close-up. It's so sweet!

I've also been finding odd bits and bobs at my local charity shop. I'm accumulating lots of lovely china at the moment. Some of it for a new craft project I've been toying with, and some to sell. I plan to bring lots with me to the Vintage and Handmade Fair on 30th May. Hope to see you there!

I haven't been able to blog for a while, as my mum and my sister are both in hospital at the moment! Although they live in the same house, they've been taken to two different hospitals, one in the city centre, and one in the outskirts. As you can imagine, hospital visiting is a bit of a logistical nightmare! I'm slowly getting a bit calmer about it now, as they both seem to be on the mend, thank goodness.